For this location, you can enter the information that you want to display on your IDA websites that are associated with this location, and in the various dental directories and websites managed by IDA.
You can upload an office photo, enter your dental office hours, holidays, vacation notices, emergency contact information, and languages.
You can also write a short description of how to find your office that will help new patients visiting your office for the first time. For example, “We’re right next to Starbucks, across the street from the bank at 3rd and Main Streets.”
In the “Office Photo & Hours” area of the “Practice Locations” section, the “Business hours” tab is where you can enter the hours and days when your practice is open. Just click any field to edit it. If you’re not open at that time, write “Closed.”
Click the “Holidays” tab to list holidays when you’re not open. If you click “New Holiday,” you can either type in the name of the holiday, or choose a predefined holiday from the drop-down list. Remember to click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
Your dental office hours and holidays are listed on the “Map & Hours” page of your website. Your hours also appear in the lower right hand sidebar of some pages of your website.
Let’s return to the “Office Photo & Hours” area of the Control Panel. You don’t need to add a photo of your office to your website, but it’s a nice touch. Your office photo should be a 320 by 240 pixel image in landscape orientation. After you select your office photo, check out how it looks on your live website.
Back in the “Office Photo & Hours” area of the Control Panel, we can add some more information. In the “directions” tab, we can write directions to help patients find the office. In the “Vacation” tab, we can write a custom message about any current or future vacation plans. In the “Emergency Contact” tab, we can provide an emergency telephone number for patients to call. In the “Languages” tab, we can specify what languages are spoken at this location. Again, remember to click “Save.”
All of this information will appear on your website’s “Map & Hours” page, and it’s all optional. If you leave a section blank, that section will simply not appear on your website. For example, if we delete the emergency contact information in the Control Panel, all mention of emergency contacts automatically disappears from the website.