On this page you can select which dental patient forms you want to appear on your website.
Use the checkboxes on the left under “Active” to specify which of these forms you want included on your website.
Note that all forms must be in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
Dental Patient Forms
The “Patient Forms” area in the “Practice Locations” section is where you choose what to display in the “New Patient Forms” area of your dental website. If you have multiple locations, you might have different forms for each location. That’s why each location has its own “Patient Forms” area.
All of your PDF documents you uploaded to the “My Documents” area also in the “My Photos & Media” section. If you don’t know how to make a PDF, you’ll find more information there, as well as document templates.
Just the check the “Active” box, and that form will automatically appear on all websites associated with that location. Unchecking the box will remove the form from all sites.
It’s easiest to upload forms if you go to the “My Documents” area in the “My Photos & Media” section, but you can also upload a PDF directly by clicking the “New Document” button. You will need to upload a PDF from your computer, give it a title and description as well, then click “Add to Library.”
Remember, the “Active” checkboxes will determine which patient forms appear on your website. Also, it’s important to realize that these are NOT forms that patients will submit electronically. These are forms patients can print out, complete, and bring with them to the office.