Dental Post-Treatment Articles – In the “Post Treatment Articles” area of the “Customize Portals” section, select which instructions from our pre-written library to include in the “Post-Treatment Instructions” page of your website.
This page will only be a part of your dental website if the “Display on Portal” box in the top right corner is checked. Simply uncheck the box if you do NOT want to have Post-Treatment Instructions on your website.
Our Library
You can use the drop-down “Filter” menu at the top right to sort through our library of dental treatment articles. View articles by topic area – like “Oral Surgery Post-Op Instructions”. You can also view your selected articles, or all the ones you haven’t selected, or other dentistry topic areas. Click “View” to preview the text of any article. Check the box to the left of an article to include it on your website.
On the “Post-Treatment Instructions” page of your live website, you’ll see the instructions you selected in the IDA Control Panel.